Reading News as a REAL HUMAN!
Some Doozies from the last few news cycles
1. Harvard gets 9M of PPP Money.
Didn’t know Harvard types loved hand-outs; thought their MBAs liked to “work hard” for their money.
2. Trump shuts down legal immigration for 60 days.
And who exactly keep the medical and tech sectors going? And who exactly keeps US agriculture working?
3. India’s BJP Government using the Covid-19 Pandemic step-up terrorization of Muslims.
Isn’t one virus enough or do we also need the virus of State-sponsored hate?
4. Alex Azar in charge of US Pandemic Task-force.
Where’s the “playbook” he was supposed to have? Oh yeah?, tell that to the 950,000 infected Americans or to the families of the 55,000+ dead Americans.
5. US temporary pulls WHO funding.
Awesome timing bros!
6. Amazon fires workers who demanded safe work conditions.
Prime stuff folks! Ship them out!
7. Rallies in many states demanding end to stay-at-home orders and a variety of other things including “no Homo marriage.”
Yep, democracy at its finest.
8. Approximately 30M people in the US filed for unemployment in the last month.
Good time to cut social spending and offer sops to corporations-boy how they suffer!
9. Vietnam ships masks and protective equipment to the US.
Bombing and embargoing THEM is good for OUR health!